
The Home of Luxury Engineered Cigar Rooms

Unrivalled synergy of Form and Function, a true turnkey solution for unique individuals who wish to have the highest level of Functional integration and create a statement space within their Residences

Our passion for cigars is the nucleus of our cigar lounge building servcie. We understand the single most important aspect of your cigar lounge or home cigar room build - the cigars! Our directors Adam & Mohammed have sampled cigars all the way back from the 80s, covering a huge plethora of cigar names from the famous well known Cuban brands such a “cohiba” - Romeo y Julieta - Trinidad to the amazing boutique flavours of the the new world from DR , Nicaraguan and Cameroonian tobaccos. Our in house somelliers can advise on what cigar stock is essential according to your requirements. We are passionate about all things cigars, so it’s only right we use our design & engineering skillsets to preserve them for future generations through our bespoke functioning cigar rooms.

From small selections of rare vintages to the cellaring of thousands of investment bottles, ExTerra Veritas wine cellars offer the perfect backdrop for your collection. Both functional and visually appealing, our premium wine cellar installation allows you to store, display and protect your bottles in any area of your home.

Working with clients throughout London and Kent, we design and build custom wine cellars to complement any space. So, whether you’d like to modernise your kitchen with a bespoke wine fridge, or are ready to relocate your growing collection into a luxury wine cellar underground, our team of ExTerra Veritas consultants are on hand to help.

For bespoke wine cellar and cigar room installations, ExTerra Veritas is the name you can trust.

Cigar Room Engineering

Utilise your space to its full potential with a home cigar room for storage or entertaining guests.


Bespoke Cigar Humidor Display

No cellar? No problem. Utilise unused space in your home to create a central display area.


Walk In Cigar Humidor

Display your small-batch malbec and merlot with pride, in a wine room designed to your specifications.


Luxury Champagne Display

Create a custom champagne display that complements your bottles and gives your collection room to grow.


Wine Cellar Design

Whether creating a bespoke wine cellar during the first fix of your build or retrofitting as part of a modernisation project, we will work flexibly to meet your needs. We can liaise with your architect, project manager or other consultants in order to ensure everything runs as efficiently as possible.

Get In Touch

If you would like to speak to us about how we can improve your home or lifestyle, please speak to a member of our team.


0203 887 2410



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Built-In Wine Fridge

Wine cellar builders

Eurocave Wine Fridge

Small Wine Cellar

Home Wine Room

Luxury Wine Cellar 

Refrigerated Wine Wall

Luxury Wine Storage

Walk-In Wine Room

Bespoke wine cellar

Wine Wall In Dining Room

Home Wine Cellar

Basement Wine Cellar

Understairs Wine Display

Wine Display Cabinet

Contemporary Wine Cellar display

Cigar humidor displays

Custom wall in Cigar Humidors

Home Cigar Room

Luxury Home smoking room

Home Smoking room design

Commercial Cigar lounge design & build

Custom designed smoke filtration

Cigar humidor design